I am an artist, designer and content expert, ranging from an experience as a Facebook marketing expert, to freelance illustration. I have an adaptable mindset when it comes to my art and content, and have a knack for challenged preexisting notions and expectations
Facebook concentrix
Jun 2021 – Present
Facebook marketing expert
I work with agencies to optimize their quarterly sales and marketing targets. This ranges from anything to content consultation, tweaking campaigns from internal Facebook database updates, as well as creating sound strategies to build their brands.
Jan 2019 – Jan 2021
creative solutions
I worked with international clients to build their business and website, this included design and well as content and marketing strategy for initial growth. Set up website: https://smalltalk.events/en/ and developed content for the clients podcast.
Have also sold art work in the form of illustrations, both digital as well as traditional. My style is based on heavy line work, magical themes and varies between abstract and extreme detailing.
May 2018 – Mar 2019
content writer
Working on all content and marketing collateral for the company, I was soon promoted to building a new parallel for a writing project for the company, which included investor research, pitching and creative emailer designing.
I worked closely with the design and tech team to develop models for the program, and did everything from blogging to journalistic interviewing to create the program.