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$25 per project
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Add-On Services are like options. Just like you can personalise cars with all kinds of options and bundles, you can also supplement our Packages with Add-On Services. They are part of our very unique personalisation system. It's a range of services that you can add to the Packages we have compiled in order to tailor the whole as much as possible to your company, your wishes, needs and challenges. Without the Add-On Services, we would've had to set up our Packages in a completely different way. For example, our GOLD WEB Package would always have included full-service Add-Ons, such as copywriting of the texts and the supply of photo material. This would quickly drive the price up more than $ 3 000. Without giving this choice to you. But we didn't think that was fair. Thanks to the Add-On Services, you can fully customise each Package as you wish, with the services that are relevant to your company. Moreover, we keep the starting prices affordable for as many companies as possible. We have put together the Packages so that all the essential elements are already included. We always personally discuss which Add-On Services may be relevant to you. So please, feel free to contact us at any time. We'd love to talk about your Project!
$25 per project
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